Please feel free to contact any one of us for further information.
President - David Whittaker: president@armadale4wdclub.com.au
Vice President - Sarah Jayne: vice.president@armadale4wdclub.com.au
Secretary - Alex S: secretary@armadale4wdclub.com.au
Treasurer - Michael White: treasurer@armadale4wdclub.com.au
Editor - Michael T: editor@armadale4wdclub.com.au
Trip Coordinator - Sarah White : trip.coordinator@armadale4wdclub.com.au
Web Manager - Trevor: web.admin@armadale4wdclub.com.au

Meeting Location
Gosnells RSL Hall. Corner Gosnells Rd West & Mills Rd West Gosnells
Entry is from Gosnells rd west
Meetings are held first Tuesday of each month (except January).
Time: 7:30 pm
Contact form

Armadale 4WD Club
Membership Renewal
Regular price
Regular price
Sale price
Unit price